Singularity is a simple, flat file CMS which marks up HTML using Markdown. It was short and concise, taking nothing but less than 40 lines of PHP code and an htaccess file, until I forked it and added a few bits. New features include automatic site menus and automatic tables of contents for individual Markdown files (a la Wikipedia).
The content directory, file type, Bootstrap theme, and site name can be easily customized by simply editing the PHP variables provided:
define('CONTENT_DIR', ROOT_DIR .'content/'); //change this to change which folder you want your content to be stored in
$bootswatch_theme = "cerulean"; //choose any bootstrap theme included in strapdown.js!
$file_format = ".txt"; //change this to choose a file type, be sure to include the period
$site_name = "Singularity"; //change as desired
A file at content/index.html can be accessed at /.
A file at content/text.txt can be accessed at /text.
A file at content/sub/index.txt can be accessed at /content/sub/.
A file at content/sub/text.txt can be accessed at /sub/text.
If a file does not exist or cannot be found, content/404.txt will be used in its place. The content directory and other aspects of how Singularity handles URLs can be easily edited.
The script can also handle different filetypes (just modify one line of PHP).
Singularity uses strapdown.js to mark up HTML. Strapdown.js also works with various Bootstrap themes. You can easily add your own HTML and CSS styles, headers, and footers. It's as easy as editing a flat HTML file.
Changes by M.C.DeMarco, 2015, under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3
Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Christopher J. Su
Inspired by Pico and Stacey.
Uses strapdown.js, which in turn, uses marked, Google Code Prettify, Bootswatch, and Bootstrap.