👥 Three players
🕑 5 minutes
Try to match interests with your object of affection while spurning the advances of your own suitor.
The pieces in front of each player represent facets of their outward persona. Each player is trying to woo the player to their left by modifying their own persona to match the leftward player’s persona, while simultaneously avoiding leading on the player to their right, who happens to be hopelessly infatuated with them.
On your turn, roll the white pyramid die. Depending on what it shows, you can either give a piece to the bank, take a piece from the bank, or exchange a piece with the bank. You must always obey two basic constraints:
If the die shows ,
, or
, you must either:
If the die shows ,
, or
, you must:
You must take the action shown on the die face, if possible. In the event that it is not possible, you must choose any one piece from the bank to add in front of you.
Play continues until any player has at least three matching pieces with the player to their left. That player is considered to have successfully wooed their leftward player, and is the winner.